Question Handmade


The year 2017 was crazy. One year out of university hopeful, and perky seeking out opportunities to start life, being asked to be a godfather, a serious adult responsibility to me at the time. On the darker side, my father was hospitalized for a supposed heartattack while I was dealing with illness. Here I was being lashed with life. These things seem like movie scenes scripted into my life.

How do you navigate? I was depressed. I always had that challenge dealing with depression and anxiety based on childhood events, but 2017 was the culmination of the worst of everything that I thought could have happened to me. I felt hopeless with a Visual Arts degree, settling for a job I hated at barely minimum wage, unable to afford to survive, the personal challenge of illness and realising mortality. To feelings of inadequacy, self doubt, regret, self hatred coupled with my father’s situation and the toxic environment that I called home with my mother.

On September 22nd 2017, I had prepared to die. Walk into oncoming traffic. I sat on the pavement for 45 minutes. I headed home. I painted. Question handmade was born from that painting. I entitled it “Peace”.

I never had home, a place where I can unwind, where I could be authentically myself. Where there was peace. Where I wanted to run to after work or hibernate on my off days. It came so clear to me on that night that we were born and we would die. But the journey between birth and death is unknown, unpredictable, sometimes painful and unwanted. Through all that there must be a silver lining: a place of solace and calm that draws the self back to being hopeful.

Question Handmade was born out of pain, with the hope that we can help people create that much needed place of solace and peace. Where the authentic self is comfortable, happy and hopeful. Everyone is on a journey through life, dealing with personal battles. There should be a pushpin of happiness and peace somewhere in all of that


30 inch x 30 inch

Oil on stretched Canvas